Historic moment, regarding Santa Monica Airport.
Fume complaints pass 50% of all complaints.
At the July 22, 2013 Santa MonicaAirport Commission meeting, newly appointed commissioner, Suzanne Paulson, will be sworn in.
I suggest historic because as a Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry at UCLA ; Vice Chair, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences; and Director, Center for Clean Air, Suzanne will have an opportunity to shed light on and answer questions regarding the topic of SMO's environmental air quality.
Alongside noise, safety, and security concerns, toxic emissions from SMO aircraft operations has become a focal issue. In the May, 2013 "Santa Monica Airport Noise Management Report", staff received 553 "Fume" complaints or 55% of the total 997 complaints.
Professor Paulson is uniquely qualified as she was part of a team of scientists to measure air pollutants near Santa Monica Airport. The study, "Aircraft Emission Impacts in a Neighborhood Adjacent to a General Aviation Airport in Southern California" was published in September, 2009. Residents living in the downwind Los Angeles communities have complained about the smell and irritating effects of jet fumes for more than two decades.
Over the years, our former Los Angeles City Councilman Bill Rosendahl and California State Representative Ted Lieu have championed the community concerns. On November 30, 2011, as chair of the California State Senate Select Committee on Air Quality, Ted Lieu held a local hearing, "Air Pollution Basics and the Santa Monica Airport" (Now available on a YouTube Playlist for easy access to opening and closing statements by Senator Lieu and Councilman Rosendahl, individual testimony by scientists and community groups, as well public comments).
I certainly do not want to put pressure on Suzanne as she is new to the political arena, one of five Commissioners, and will need some time to acclimate herself. However, I am confident that she will bring a new, very much needed perspective to the Commission. Members of the community have expressed their excitement to me. Suzanne arrives at a time when the Commission has taken hold of the helm and is now actually advising City Council as opposed to being guided by City officials and Airport Staff as had been the case. Airport Commission Chair David Goddard has been instrumental in bringing about this change. Goddard is a strong advocate for addressing air pollution impacts from SMO operations. He has publicly stated that he believes SMO air pollution impacts on the community downwind of the airport to be most egregious.
I invite you to attend the July 22, 2013 Santa Monica Airport commission Meeting, and I'm certain the Commissioners do as well. 7:30 P.M. City Council Chamber 1685 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401
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